Digital Circuit Design

Digital Logic Design is a Software tool for designing and simulating digital circuits.
This software provides digital parts ranging from simple gates to Arithmetic Logic Unit and State Machine. You may even use SOP expressions to generate digital circuits in IC form.
In this software, circuits can easily be converted into reusable ICs which may be incorporated
into other circuits just like commercial ICs. A number of ICs may be combined to built more complex circuits like CPU.
You may start your circuit from simple gates and flipflops and keep on converting them into ICs and make more complex circuits by using these ICs.
The circuit working can be analyzed by using output parts like LEDs, Seven Segment Display as well as CRT and digital Oscilloscope all provided in the software.
You can design combinational, synchronous and asynchronous sequential circuits in this software

Who can use this?
This Software may be used by professionals, hobbyists and students alike.
Teachers may incorporate this software into their courses like Digital Logic and Computer Design, Computer Architecture, Computer Organization and Embedded Systems etc.